Although there’s little data showing that the Woke are primed for a Great Awakening, there is anecdotal evidence that points to one. History has also left a trail. Put together, we can surmise that the Woke will become so miserable they’ll come to the same conclusion Solomon did: while everything in life is vanity, there’s a worthwhile after-life to prepare for. Their preparation could become Revival.
Christians can help prepare by praying for our nation’s healing, and we can hope for a Great Awakening. Prayer is good. Hope is good. Ecclesiastes 9:4 says that as long as there is life there is hope.
What if there’s no evidence of life? Faith must kick in when sight fails. Even when there’s no evidence of life, we can trust that God is in control. He is, after all, the source of life. And He is bigger than death. Pastor Jamie Colbert says there’s no one so dead, God can’t resurrect them. He points to this evidence:
- Jairus’ daughter had JUST died.
- The widow of Nain’s lifeless son was on his way to the cemetery.
- Lazarus had been dead three days.
- And . . . the dry bones of the very, very dead grew flesh and skin, and then drew breath.
What if it’s too late for America? The prophet with a price on his head thought it was too late for him and his nation. He’d seen God do miracles in the past but that was back when church attendance was high and the offering plate was heaped. Alone and in hiding, he saw no evidence of a Divine Hand at work. When he was beyond discouraged, God told him there were 7000 others who had neither condoned their corrupt government’s actions nor bowed their knees to the god of child-sacrifice.
What if it’s NOT too late for America?
- What if awkward, pre-pubescent children learned that their bodies’ birth gender was perfect and found acceptance and love no matter their outward appearance?
- What if college students, who are desperately searching for meaning and taking their own lives in droves, learned what Solomon learned when wealth, wives, and wisdom failed him?
- What if young Wokesters like SJWs and Antifa, who are looking for a cause, discovered that the Great Commission is the ultimate cause?
- What if old Wokesters like Big Pharma, Big Food, Big Brew, Big Business, and Big Government—all on their way to the cemetery like the widow of Nain’s son—found Jesus?
- What if one of the biggest bad guys on the planet, buhzillionaire Bill Gates, got saved–and started tithing?!
The answer to the big question of whether the Woke are primed for a Great Awakening is a resounding ‘yes’! The futility they’re trying to escape from–whether into drugs, sex, violence, materialism, outrageous causes, a different gender, and even suicide—points to it. And History points to it.
Like the prophet-in-hiding, when we think we’re alone, we can know that God is working behind the scenes. He’s not willing that ANY should perish but that ALL should come to Repentance.
What to DO with this knowledge: We can pray, we can win souls, and we can join God in His work.
We can let our friends and loved ones know, one-on-one, that Jesus purchased their souls with His Blood and while infinitely costly to Him, He offers His blood as a free gift to them. We can also support ministries like ASI that share the Good News one-to-many. Romans 10:14-15(a) says:
How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent?
American Christians need a Great Awakening, too. We have thousands of potential soulwinners, many who’ve been seminary-trained. But instead of seeking the lost and challenging the saved, they’re going out to pastor churches, as Missionary Nik Ripken says, “as sheep among sheep.” To know which ministries to get involved with personally and support financially, we have only to check their record of soul winning.
To answer the big question of whether the Woke are primed for a Great Awakening, we can look to their misery, Church history, and the big, big power of God. He’s bigger than toxic, chaotic cultures, bigger than evil regimes—even bigger than death. Jesus IS the answer.